Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Forgiveness. One of the biggest aspects of Christianity. One of the hardest feats I can think of when I'm truly hurt.
It's a trial that you face every day. Everybody's been hurt.... sometimes deservedly, sometimes not. But regardless of that, being hurt is hard to get over. I recently read a quote from a good christian woman:

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it."

Wow, I don't ever think I'll forget that one. I want to be that graceful.

I have been in situations where I have had to forgive in my life.... one particularly big one. I now find myself with smaller instances, but forgiveness is called for just the same.
I will focus on this.... I will pray for the patience and understanding. I will only be forgiven myself, if truly I forgive others. I will do the work that this will take over and over again to maintain relationships in my life. (Not to say I am wronged often.... forgiveness is just a thought that I've been pondering lately after some discussions with very insightful people). I have some really amazing people in my life and I am so fortunate to have the friends and family that I do. But we can always do better. They are so amazing that I want to be the best person that I can possibly be for them, for myself, and most of all for God.
Also, I want to experience the true grace that this will give me. I want to be strong and truly forgive. I always want what's best for people. My mother taught me that kind of character.
I will make it a point to pray today, tomorrow, and every day for those who have hurt me. That's the fragrance that this violet will leave.


Melissa Lester said...

That's a beautiful quote, and one I will try to put into practice too.

Gigi said...

That's the very thing I am trying to help my Beloved understand. That he can be forgiven by God, by me. He can even someday forgive himself. But what do you do when someone doesn't want it?