Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Sounds Of The South

My favorite sounds in the whole world are cicadas and rain. And lucky me, since I live in the south and it's summer time, every night is one or the other. Hmmmm..... Sometimes I really love where I live and I feel privileged to be from here.

When Someone Is Your Heart

When someone is your heart, what will you do?
~show them how much you love them everyday, even if they don't see it
~let them follow their passion regardless of your opinion
~do anything to allow them to be happy
~be your best for them
~unconditionally love them
~if you are lucky enough,as I am, kiss them and hold them as much as you can
~Love them love them love them, the best that you can

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Forgiveness. One of the biggest aspects of Christianity. One of the hardest feats I can think of when I'm truly hurt.
It's a trial that you face every day. Everybody's been hurt.... sometimes deservedly, sometimes not. But regardless of that, being hurt is hard to get over. I recently read a quote from a good christian woman:

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it."

Wow, I don't ever think I'll forget that one. I want to be that graceful.

I have been in situations where I have had to forgive in my life.... one particularly big one. I now find myself with smaller instances, but forgiveness is called for just the same.
I will focus on this.... I will pray for the patience and understanding. I will only be forgiven myself, if truly I forgive others. I will do the work that this will take over and over again to maintain relationships in my life. (Not to say I am wronged often.... forgiveness is just a thought that I've been pondering lately after some discussions with very insightful people). I have some really amazing people in my life and I am so fortunate to have the friends and family that I do. But we can always do better. They are so amazing that I want to be the best person that I can possibly be for them, for myself, and most of all for God.
Also, I want to experience the true grace that this will give me. I want to be strong and truly forgive. I always want what's best for people. My mother taught me that kind of character.
I will make it a point to pray today, tomorrow, and every day for those who have hurt me. That's the fragrance that this violet will leave.